Rich White Billionaires Bundle: Four BWWM Alpha Male Romance Titles Read online

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  “So… don’t go home,” Jake urged her. “You can stay at my place.”

  “Are you serious?” she exclaimed.

  “I’ll treat you so much better than he does.” Jake went on.

  She continued to stare at him, but said nothing. What he was suggesting was insane, but suddenly she didn’t want to go home to DeShawn. She knew she was never going to have a happy life with him and that their marriage was already over before it even really got started. There were feelings for Jake there that she’d never let come to the surface, but she gave in to them.

  “OK.” she agreed quietly and knew she was taking control of her life to make it better.

  Her mind was in turmoil, but she knew she wanted Jake’s touch as it brushed on her inner thigh. He leaned down to kiss her soft brown skin and she groaned as the touches slid higher until his lips were pressed on her panties.

  “Lift your ass.” he told her.

  Desiree leaned back and pressed her palms on the surface of the desk, so she could lift her butt up. She was giving herself to her boss, but knew it was what she wanted to do. He took hold of her panties and peeled them lower to reveal naked skin. His gasp was loud as he exposed her pussy and his mouth was on it in an instant. She squirmed as hot kisses ravished her drenched slit to take in the taste and she groaned as Jake’s tongue came out to open her up.

  It was as good as she’d felt in a long time and she became desperate for the touches between her thighs. Jake slid his tongue deeper inside her pussy and licked eagerly at the sweet taste he wanted. He rasped touches all over slick skin and let out a muffled groan as Desiree’s thighs closed around his head. He was trapped just where he wanted to be and lashed his tongue around furiously. It was only when the pressure on his head eased that he moved back and gasped for breath. He quickly got to his feet and grabbed at his belt to unbuckle it.

  “Let me do that.” Desiree urged him as her passion for the foreplay heightened.

  Her body was on fire and she wanted Jake to experience the same sensation. As he finished unbuckling his belt, she reached for the button and zipper of his pants. The material slid down his legs and she stared at the way his erection strained for release from his tight underpants. She reached out and fondled it through the material and heard Jake’s groan.

  “You like that,” she teased him as she grabbed and groped at his cock through his underpants.

  “Yes,” he groaned.

  “You’ll like this even better.” Desiree went on.

  She shoved him hard in the chest to make him sit again then ripped her panties down and off. She then dropped to her knees on the floor before him.

  “Lift your ass.” she told him and smiled as he obeyed the command right away.

  She wasted no time in working his underwear down and watched his erection spring to attention. Her gaze lingered on the bulging veins that stood out on his hot flesh before she raised her gaze to his.

  “I thought the myth was that white men were small.” she teased him.

  He just watched as she reached out and wrapped her fingers around his thickly swollen member. Her touch was gentle at first as she stroked along his erect length before she tightened her grip and brought his cock to her soft lips to nuzzle the slick head.

  “Is this how you fantasized about me,” she said when she caught his gaze. “Disheveled clothes, no panties, and my mouth caressing your fat cock?”

  “Yes,” Jake let out in a strained voice.

  Desiree let out a throaty laugh as she flicked out her tongue and pressed the tip on the little slit to catch the pre-cum leaking out. Her chest heaved as the taste flooded her mouth and she swept touches all over his sensitive skin. She stroked her hand right to the base of his cock and pressed against his balls as she worked her lips over the head.

  Jake groaned as her tongue swept across his slick skin. His gaze remained on her pretty face as she played with his cock. It was his dreams coming true and he pressed his hands on the arms of the seat and forced his butt up. He rocked his head back as his erection slid deeper in the softness of Desiree’s mouth and she worked her lips lower until they were pressing against her hand. She immediately began to bob her head and he groaned at the delicious thrill of the blowjob. He rested his ass on the seat again and squirmed around as the pleasure grew in his body.

  Desiree’s fingers closed tighter around the base of his cock as she quickened the pace of the blowjob and let the slick head stroke on her soft inner cheek. It was rapidly driving him towards a release of the tension building in his body and he squirmed even more as he fought against being pushed too far. He gasped in relief when she raised her head and took deep breaths.

  “Does it feel too good,” she teased him as she looked up and saw his contorted expression.

  “Well… just keep going if you want me to cum in your mouth,” he joked.

  “We can’t have that,” Desiree let out slowly and laughed. “I know where you want to be when you lose control.”

  Jake held his breath as she released her grip on his cock and got to her feet. She slowly spun around and he was presented with his first ever view of gorgeous black booty. He reached out and sank his fingers in soft flesh and heard Desiree’s high pitched squeal as he spread her cheeks open.

  “That’s naughty.” she groaned, but did nothing to stop him spreading her cheeks wider apart.

  “It’s gorgeous.” Jake let out as he leaned forward and pressed his lips on pretty skin.

  His tongue came out to lick wet trails on Desiree’s ass before she put her hands on the arms of the chair and lowered herself. He grabbed his erection and held it in place, so she could rub her pussy on the tip. The surge of animal lust was strong and as soon as his cock was splitting her swollen lips open, he grabbed her hips and dragged her down onto his lap. He groaned as her tight wetness surrounded his cock and shuddered as she rocked her body.

  Jake wrapped his arms around her to grope her breasts and leaned forward to kiss on her neck. It brought out gasping moans as the seductive pleasure lit up her body. She rocked to a faster rhythm to make his cock stroke on her soft inner skin before pressing her hands on the arms of the chair. It allowed her to start riding his cock and the breath burst from between her lips each time she sat down to make the thick hardness bury deep in her cunt. It brought out her hunger for the sex and she worked to ride cock more energetically to take her closer to a moment of bliss.

  Their naked skin slapped together as she drove herself down and Jake clenched his buttocks to hold himself back and let her take herself all the way. Her squeals of delight started to fill the room as she bounced on his cock and let it drill deep inside her pussy. The pure joy of it began to overwhelm her and she finally dropped down to hold his throbbing erection in her cunt as she stroked a hand down her body and ravaged touches on her exposed clit.

  Her low groans turned to louder cries and Jake sank his fingers in the soft flesh of her tits then rubbed his palms across her nipples. He swept kisses across the sensitive skin of her neck and knew when she finally couldn’t hold back. Her quivering body tensed in his lap for an instant before she started shaking almost violently as the burst of intense, tingling heat erupted in her very center then spread out to engulf her body.

  The sound of her cries turned to desperate gasping breaths as the climax ripped through her body and sent her into raptures. The orgasm peaked in a flurry of shudders as she lost herself to the pure ecstasy and tried to hold on to it for as long as she could before the rippling spasms of her pussy walls died away to leave her body limp.

  There was nothing she could do as Jake made her stand then drop face down on the desk. She was his to use as he drove his thick cock back in her quivering cunt and fucked it deep. There was no doubt it was his fantasy coming to life to have her over his desk and his thrusts crashed against her naked ass as he took himself all the way. It was the sound of his cries that now filled the room as he powered his hips forward in a frantic onslaught that was finally t
oo much to resist.

  He drilled his stiff shaft deep in slick wet pussy as he lost control. His fingers grasped Desiree’s butt as his body bucked to send a rushing stream of cum exploding inside her. His groans got louder as his body kept bucking against her and she shuddered as more streams of thick white erupted from his twitching, throbbing erection. He forced her thighs against the desk as he held tightly against her ass until his ardor finally cooled and he dropped back in his seat.

  He watched the pearly white of his cum slide from pussy and trickle down pretty brown skin. He couldn’t drag his eyes from it until Desiree finally raised herself from the desk and turned around.

  “Well that’s fucked my marriage.” she let out with a rueful smile.

  “I told you.” Jake replied. “He doesn’t deserve someone as special as you.”

  “And you do?” she asked.

  “No,” he replied. “I’ll have to work to make sure you are happy…, but you are smiling.”

  “Fuck off.” she let out and laughed.

  She knew her life was about to go crazy, but it would be worth it and as she dropped down on Jake’s lap and felt the hunger for her in his kiss, she was sure that things would turn out OK.

  Taken By The Billionaire Russian Mob Boss

  Aaliyah Jackson

  “Rachel, come in Rachel,” a voice said from beneath radio crackle. Rachel grabbed her radio from her belt, and answered, “Rachel here.” “Rachel, have you started in on the floor? Mr. Hargitay is due to arrive in two hours,” the voice replied. Shit, Rachel thought to herself. She thought she had more time. Rachel Wilson was a young African-American woman who worked at the Red Hotel and Casino in Vegas, and she was responsible for maintenance of all gambling machines. The owner, Nikolav Hargitay, was coming for an inspection that day. Rachel thought that he wasn’t coming until the late evening, maybe ten o’clock. But it was four, and he was going to be here in two hours. Her prep time was drastically cut, and she hadn’t finished anything.

  “What? When did that change? I thought he was supposed to be coming in ten?” she asked into the radio, not masking the irritation in her voice. She would have to haul ass if she wanted to even pray that she could finish everything before he got here. “I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter,” the voice replied dryly. “It’s your job to get this done, so get it done Rachel. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.” Rachel cursed in her head. The hotel manager, Mike, ran the hotel when Nikolav was gone, and he expected her to do everything. He didn’t accept any excuses, and didn’t tolerate anyone failing or slacking in their job. He was not easy to impress. He wouldn’t care if she didn’t have enough time to complete all of her tasks, he would fire her if she didn’t finish everything.

  She didn’t bother radioing Mike back. He wouldn’t care, and it would only infuriate her more. She would have enough on her plate as it was. She walked to the elevators, and pushed the down button. She would need to take care of the ground floor, and reset all of those machines. Of course, the ground floor was the main floor, and it was the busiest floor in the entire hotel. There were countless machines, and she had no idea how she was going to finish them all. A small Asian woman walked up to her while she waited for the elevators. “Hey Rachel,” she said. She looked and sounded exhausted. Of course, she was in charge of the restaurants within the hotel, so her job was insane as well. “Hey Sue,” Rachel replied. “How’s it going? Hear about Nikolav coming in two hours?” Sue shook her head, rubbing her temples. “Yes, I did. Its torture is what it is. I don’t know how we are expected to cut our prep time almost in half. But I’ve got help, it’s just you out on the ground floor right?” Sue asked. “Yeah, it’s just me,” she replied. The elevator arrived, and Rachel motioned for Sue to enter. “Thanks,” she replied. “And you’re the first thing he sees. Don’t screw it up for the rest of us,” she laughed jokingly. Rachel laughed with her, but didn’t find it very funny.

  Rachel desperately needed this job; she would be fatally screwed if she lost it. And screwing this up was the sure-fire way to get herself fired. She couldn’t have that. But this wasn’t the time to lash out at Sue. She was just as stressed out and on edge as Rachel was. Everybody in this damned hotel was on edge. Nikolav was notorious for firing anyone who didn’t obey his every order. Having his hotel out of shape on one of his few visits to Las Vegas would be an easy excuse for him to fire everyone and start over from scratch. Sue and Rachel patiently waited for the elevator to take them to their floors, too stressed out to do the usual small talk. The elevator dinged as they reached the first floor, and again Rachel motioned for Sue to leave first. “Well, good luck, Rachel. Hopefully we will survive and see each other tomorrow,” Sue chuckled as she walked towards the restaurants. “Thanks, you too,” Rachel weakly replied.

  She started in on the main penny and quarter slot machines, because they were always the most popular and widely used. As Rachel continued with the laborious and monotonous work, she thought about how she got here. As a child, she never imagined that she would be working in a casino in Vegas. She had always imagined that she would be working as a lawyer, or a doctor, or even a businesswoman. She would be owning the hotel, rather than working in it. But that didn’t work out for her. She went to an excellent college, and stuck it out two years. But when her mother got sick, and her bills started to pile up, Rachel couldn’t justify staying in school. It was just too expensive. So, she dropped out. She worked at various jobs around their small town in Texas, barely able to make ends meet. Then, her mom’s illness got worse. Rachel didn’t know what to do, until her doctor recommended a specialist in Las Vegas. It was expensive, but it would save her life. So, Rachel packed the two of them up, and moved them to Las Vegas. They found a house easily, and Rachel wasted no time in getting her mother the treatments that she needed. Rachel got a job at the hotel and casino, and made just enough money to pay their bills. Because of her mother, losing this job was not an option.

  Sometimes she regrets not finishing her degree. She could possibly be making twice as much as she was now if she had finished college. But she couldn’t dwell on the past. Her mother’s health and happiness was most important to her, and she wouldn’t replace it for anything. That is what drove her to this job, and what kept her going through this shitty project. She knew that if she kept her head down, and didn’t screw anything up, she would be fine. Her job would be secure, and her bills would get paid. This visit was the only obstacle in her path at the moment, and she planned on slaying it.

  She thought about the man behind all of her current stress – Nikolav Hargitay. Not much was known about him personally, he mostly kept himself out of the tabloids, and didn’t involve himself too much with public life. Not to say that he didn’t enjoy his life, certainly he lived his life to the fullest. He just did so privately, away from prying eyes. Some said it was the secret to his success. Rachel didn’t have an opinion on how or why he was successful, she only cared that he was. He was one of the youngest casino owners in Vegas, and used all of his own money, without lenders or investors. In today’s world, that was unheard of. Most people wanted the quickest route to money, and that was through investors and loans, in order to get your project off the ground. Nobody really knew how Nikolav got his money initially. He had a shady past in Moscow, where he held ownership of several hotels and casinos. After conquering his own hometown of Moscow, he decided to test his luck in America. Vegas was the casino capital of the United States, and the most logical place to begin his American empire. Red Hotel and Casino was an instant success, and quickly became the new “it” spot of the strip. Celebrities were constantly staying at the hotel, dropping hundreds of thousands at the casino, bars, and restaurants. It truly was a massive business.

  It was clear to everyone who worked for Red Hotel and Casino, that Nikolav was a complete perfectionist. Anything out of place, or that inconvenienced him or his guests, would be instantly pruned. He did not care about excuses or tears, he wanted everything perfect, or
you were gone. Perhaps that was the secret to his success, Rachel thought to herself. He did not care about anything beyond his business. The stories that did make it into the tabloids were usually his various girlfriends. He was without a doubt a playboy, who had a new model girlfriend as often as he desired. He owned multiple luxury cars, and owned his own yacht and private jet. He had the finest of everything, wanting for nothing. He was the ultimate casino tycoon, and Rachel had to respect him for that. He might be a jerk to work for, but the man knew how to run a business. Just look at the state of everyone in this hotel, she thought to herself. He hasn’t been to the hotel for at least a year and a half, but just the knowledge that he was coming back was driving the employees to the brink of a panic attack. The fear he inspired in his employees could not be underestimated. He was not a man to be trifled with.

  She finished her rounds of the penny and quarter slots, and made her way across the casino floor, resetting every machine she came across. It was boring work, and she found herself lost in the repetitive motions. She watched as other employees ran around like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to solve every problem. Of course, guests were still in the hotel and casino at all times. It was Vegas in the summer after all, and even Nikolav could not close his own hotel during this time. It was the peak season for Vegas, and the money was ripe for the picking. All they had to do was wait for it. Unfortunately, most of the machines on the ground floor were outdated, and needed to be reset in order to work properly. If they were not rest, the guests who used them would win every single time they played. That, of course, was something that could not be allowed. The casino would lose too much money, and guests could walk away with hundreds of thousands of dollars. It was unthinkable. It rested on Rachel’s shoulders to reset each and every machine, in order to ensure that this did not happen.