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Rich White Billionaires Bundle: Four BWWM Alpha Male Romance Titles Page 3

  Desiree threw a last withering look in his direction as she took her jacket from the back of a chair and put it on. She then walked out of the apartment and headed for the bus stop to catch a ride to town. As much as she tried to calm down and turn her mind to work, DeShawn was still in her thoughts when she got to the office. She went to the small room she worked in and sat down to switch on her computer then stared out the window as she waited for the machine to boot up.

  “Problems at home?”

  Desiree was startled out of her thoughts by the sound of the voice and looked to see her boss, Jake, standing at the open door of the room.

  “No.” she let out automatically, but saw the knowing expression that spread across his face.

  She’d been one of his employees for more than three years and took up the role of his personal assistant around nine months previously. He was around twice her age of twenty three, but they had the same mindset and got on well enough that they talked about more than business.

  “He doesn’t deserve you, you know.” Jake let out.

  Desiree let out a sigh.

  “It’s OK.” she replied unconvincingly although she knew he didn’t believe her.

  She didn’t believe herself. Things were as far from OK as they could be and getting worse.

  “Come through in around ten minutes anyway, let’s talk.” Jake told her.

  She smiled at him.

  “Sure, I’ll do that.” she agreed.

  She wondered if her boss would say any more about her personal circumstances when she went through to his room, but he was all business and talked only about what he required for the day. Desiree sat quietly with her notebook and made notes to keep track of what she needed to do. She got up when the conversation ended and made her way back to the door.

  “You can always talk to me you know.” Jake said quietly just as she was leaving.

  Desiree turned back and smiled. She knew that he wasn’t talking about work.

  “I know,” she said. “Thanks.”

  No more was said, but the smile remained on her lips as she left his room and went back to her own to get on with the tasks she’d just been set. It was the start of a busy day and she hardly got the chance to think about anything other than work as the hours flashed past. It was almost six o’clock before she knew it and she went to see Jake before she left.

  “I’m about to head off.” she told him. “Is there anything you need before I go?”

  “Nope,” he replied. “I was about to leave too. Do you want a ride home?”

  “Yeah, why not?” she told him. “That would be great.”

  She watched as he began to pack his briefcase with papers and a grin spread across her face.

  “Aren’t you supposed to relax when you go home at night?” she teased him.

  He looked up with a rueful smile on his face.

  “I’m divorced remember,” he shot back. “I need a way to fill my time at night.”

  “You need the love of a good woman.” she joked.

  “Or a bad one.” he replied and laughed.

  “I’m not sure your mother would approve of that.” Desiree said and joined in the laughing.

  “Yeah, she did warn me about those bad women.” Jake retorted. “Not that I listened to her.”

  Desiree shook her head as he closed his briefcase and got up to put on his jacket. She started walking towards the elevators and pressed the button on the wall as he caught up. They weren’t the only people in the one that arrived and they rode it in silence until it reached the basement parking lot.

  Moving across to his car, they got in and still said nothing as Jake fired up the engine and headed in the direction of the exit. The silence was only broken once they joined the evening flow of vehicles and set off in the direction of her home.

  “So how is married life these days?” Jake asked.

  “Oh, you know.” Desiree said and shrugged her shoulders.

  “That good huh?” Jake went on.

  Desiree let out a long sigh.

  “I just wish he would make the effort to help me,” she let out. “It feels like I’m the only one trying to make a good life for us.”

  “He still doesn’t have a job then?” Jake asked.

  Desiree shook her head.

  “No,” she complained. “He seems to think that drinking and computer games are more important these days.”

  “You deserve someone better you know.”

  Desiree shrugged her shoulders again.

  “I’m married,” she said quietly as she stared out the window. “I need to try and make it work.”

  “Well, I hope for your sake that you can.” Jake told her.

  She turned to look at him and smiled.

  “Your wife must have been crazy to let you go.” she commented.

  “Flattery will get you everywhere.” he replied.

  They were suddenly quiet as they both sat thinking and Desiree was aware of the tension that hung in the air. The silence remained in the car until they reached her apartment.

  “Thanks.” she said as she reached for the handle to open the door and get out.

  “Anytime.” Jake replied. “You know I’d do anything for you. All you have to do is ask.”

  Desiree heard something in his voice that made her stop. She was going to look back at him, but couldn’t bring herself to do it and closed the door when she stepped on the sidewalk. She watched as the car drove away and let out a sigh.

  “He’s just being nice.” she muttered under her breath, but couldn’t quite convince herself that what she was saying was true.

  All thoughts of her boss went out of her mind when she stepped in the house and found DeShawn slumped on the sofa. The empty beer bottles around him showed why he was asleep and she gritted her teeth as she cleared them up. It led to an argument when he finally did stir from his drunken slumber and they screamed at each other before he stalked off to bed.

  “Some fucking life Desiree,” she muttered under her breath as she tried to calm herself down.

  DeShawn was snoring when she finally went to bed. They lived in a one bedroom apartment, so there was no choice but to sleep beside him. She kept as much distance between them as she could and lay thinking about what she was going to do. Nothing concrete came to mind and she nodded off with ideas still rattling around her brain. Her husband was still sleeping when she woke up the next morning and she decided to leave for work as quickly as she could.

  She didn’t want to start the day with another fight, but suspected that’s exactly what would happen if DeShawn woke up. Her shower was over in minutes and she dried herself and dressed quietly. She could still hear his snoring when she walked out the apartment and breathed a sigh of relief as she headed for a nearby coffee shop to get a hit of caffeine.

  “What are you going to do?” she mused under her breath as she sat drinking.

  She was coming to the conclusion that her marriage wasn’t going to work, but couldn’t bring herself to really admit it. She’d been sure that she could make DeShawn the man she wanted him to be if they were married and living together, but suspected that she was fighting a losing battle.

  “Why can’t he be more like Jake?” she muttered and her eyes opened wide. “Where the fuck did that come from…” she chided herself and shook her head.

  There was plenty of time before she needed to be at the office, so she enjoyed another coffee and stared out the window. There were plenty of people walking past with happy expressions on their faces and she wished she was one of them. She pursed her lips as she tried to clear her mind and just relax. At least at work she could just get on with her job to make the time pass without thinking about her personal life and she finished her coffee and went to catch the bus.

  The place was fairly deserted when she got there and she was already busy when Jake stopped at her door to say good morning. She went through straight away to have a meeting and nothing was said about the way they parted the previou
s day. Desiree guessed that her boss had forgotten about it and put it out of her mind too as she took notes of the work he wanted completed. The day passed quickly again as she concentrated on her tasks and at just before six she went to say goodnight. The idea of going home to find her husband drunk again didn’t exactly appeal to her, but that thought cleared from her mind when Jake started talking.

  “Sorry about this.” he began. “I need to get this short document emailed to a client tonight. Could you stay and type it for me please?”

  “Of course.” Desiree agreed.

  She took the handwritten notes and went back to boot up her computer again. The thought of calling DeShawn to let him know she would be late home came in her mind, but she was sure he wouldn’t care anyway and in the end didn’t bother. She put the notes on the stand beside her PC and concentrated on typing. It took her around forty five minutes to complete the work, after which she printed out the document and took it back to Jake. He quickly worked his way through it to make the final changes he wanted before handing it back.

  Desiree completed the amendments in less than ten minutes and did a final check before emailing the document to her boss. She knew he would go through it again and waited another ten minutes or so before she went back to his room.

  “Was everything OK?” she asked.

  “Perfect,” he replied. “I just sent it off. Thanks for staying late.”

  “No problem.” she said and smiled.

  Jake got up from where he was sitting behind his desk and moved to close the door and there was tension in the air straight away.

  “Is there anyone left out there?” he asked.

  “I don’t think so.” Desiree replied as she narrowed her eyes and stared at him.

  It was now well after seven and the chances were that the rest of the staff in the office had gone home although she didn’t know for sure.

  “Good.” he replied.

  Desiree watched as he approached her and couldn’t hold in a growing anxiety. She backed off until the wall of the office stopped her going any further. She was all too aware of the nervous tension in her body and it was making her tremble.

  “I should go.” she said quietly.

  “I don’t want you to.” Jake replied.

  “What… what do you mean?” Desiree asked hesitantly.

  He moved right up to her and she looked up at him.

  “Do you just think of me as your boss?” he asked.

  Desiree sensed the slight ripple of her pulse rate quickening, but didn’t get the chance to say anything as Jake went on.

  “I think about you as much more than my personal assistant,” he said. “Having you so close every day, and not being able to touch… it’s starting to drive me crazy.”

  Desiree’s pulse accelerated even more and she stared at her boss. She knew she should push past him and walk out before he said any more, but couldn’t bring herself to do it. The rush of her heartbeat was something she hadn’t experienced for a while and it felt good even though it was a man other than her husband that was bringing it on.

  “Every time you step in my room,” Jake went on. “The urge is there to hold you close and kiss you. The fantasy won’t stop playing in my head.”

  “I should go.” Desiree let out again, but even after saying it she didn’t move.

  “I don’t want it to be just a fantasy anymore.” Jake told her. “You deserve to be with someone that understands just how special you are… and that isn’t your husband.”

  His voice was so low and she could hear the longing in it. She needed to move, needed to stop what was happening, but as Jake leaned in all she did was close her eyes. A shiver slid down her spine as the gentle kiss caressed on her lips. It was there and gone in an instant. She opened her eyes to see she was being stared at.

  “This is crazy.” she let out in a harassed, breathless voice.

  “I know,” Jake agreed. “Do you want to stop?”

  Desiree knew she should. Only six months previously she vowed to love and honor another man, but she knew that meant nothing already. Certainly not to DeShawn, who seemed to see her as a meal ticket to an easy life. She could see the hunger for her in Jake’s eyes and liked it. To be wanted so badly was bringing out her excitement. She held his gaze as she spoke.

  “No… I don’t want to stop.”

  The kiss was more forceful this time and she shuddered as her head was trapped against the wall. The urgency of the touch came through and her shudders grew stronger as Jake’s muscular body pressed against hers. She let out a gasp when the kiss ended.

  “Have you been with an black woman before?” she asked nervously.

  Jake shook his head as he brought his hand to her cheek. His fingertips caressed softly on her dark brown skin.

  “So beautiful,” he let out quietly.

  It was a compliment she hadn’t heard for months and she responded to it. Her kiss was met passionately and she didn’t stop Jake as he reached for the buttons of her blouse. In seconds his lips slid down to her neck and she rocked her head back against the wall as his touch played on her smooth skin. She was aware of his fingers opening more buttons and his kisses slid lower still until they were teasing along the top edge of her bra. She wanted his touch and grabbed his head to pull it onto her breasts. He grabbed her bra to drag it lower and she gasped as hot kisses explored her naked skin. She froze as his mouth found her nipple. The arousal sweeping through her was already making it stiff and the rush of hot blood as touches played around it brought it fully erect.

  Desiree groaned as Jake’s lips circled around her nipple. She could hear his heavy breathing as he took it deep in his mouth and sucked in his cheeks. His tongue sliding around the stiff bud made the sensation even sweeter and she tensed as the flood of heat erupted in her body. Her breathing was ragged as she held his head tightly on her breast to keep him sucking. Shivers raced down her spine as he gave her what she wanted and he only pushed himself back when he needed to catch a breath.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this.” he said as he glanced up at her face.

  Desiree said nothing as she dragged his head to her other breast. She groaned when his tongue licked roughly across her nipple before she was delighting in the touch of it being taken in the warm, wet of his mouth. Jake sucked eagerly to get the groans he wanted from the woman he fantasized about every day. His erection throbbed in his pants as he turned his dreams to reality and he ravaged her erect nipple. This time when he moved back, he straightened up to bring his face close to hers. Desiree closed her eyes as kisses caressed gently on her cheek.

  “So beautiful.” Jake murmured quietly and his kisses became more urgent as he worked them to soft lips.

  His hands went to the buttons at Desiree’s hips and he worked them open to loosen her skirt. It slid slowly down her legs and he moved back to see it pool around her feet. His excitement leapt as his gaze slid up her toned legs until it was settled on her lacy panties. He grabbed her wrist and dragged her across to his desk. Backing her against it, he grabbed her hips and lifted her to sit on the wooden surface while he dropped in his seat. He rolled it forward as he spread her legs apart.

  Desiree glanced down to see the dark patch on her white panties and there was no hiding her excitement at what was taking place. She shuddered as Jake’s fingers slid across it. Her breathing raced faster as the soft touch became more insistent and pressed on the outline of her pussy through the damp material. He looked up and their eyes met. The tension grew and she watched as he bent his head down. The ringing of the phone startled them and they looked at each other nervously.

  “It’s mine,” Desiree said. She reached for her bag and took her phone out. “Shit!” she hissed as she saw DeShawn’s name on the screen.

  “Your husband?” Jake asked.

  She nodded her head as she considered what to do. The decision was taken out of her hands as Jake grabbed the phone and keyed the button to switch it off. The ringing s
topped and they stared at each other.

  “He doesn’t deserve you.” Jake said.

  Desiree’s eyes were open wide.

  “He’ll go fucking nuts when I go home.” she let out.